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insurance law

Insurance parties seek revisions to Contracts of Insurance Bill to ensure more clarity and confidence across the board
26th Jun 24, 2:37pm
Insurance parties seek revisions to Contracts of Insurance Bill to ensure more clarity and confidence across the board
Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Andrew Bayly wants new Contracts of Insurance Bill to find the right balance between protecting consumers and giving the insurance industry certainty
10th May 24, 2:41pm
Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Andrew Bayly wants new Contracts of Insurance Bill to find the right balance between protecting consumers and giving the insurance industry certainty
Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Kris Faafoi says new rules will include what policyholders must disclose to insurers, making changes to allow people to more easily understand their policy, and addressing unfair contract terms
4th Dec 19, 10:14am
by admin
Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Kris Faafoi says new rules will include what policyholders must disclose to insurers, making changes to allow people to more easily understand their policy, and addressing unfair contract terms
Insurance lawyer Andrew Hooker highlights the dangers of signing a settlement document presented to you by your insurer
6th Mar 18, 5:00am
Insurance lawyer Andrew Hooker highlights the dangers of signing a settlement document presented to you by your insurer
When an insurance company tries to force you to sue the builders who botched up your repair...
24th Feb 18, 9:18am
When an insurance company tries to force you to sue the builders who botched up your repair...
Lawyer concerned insurers' archaic practice of good faith risks seeing society take a backwards step when it comes to mental health awareness 
16th Aug 17, 11:16am
by Guest
Lawyer concerned insurers' archaic practice of good faith risks seeing society take a backwards step when it comes to mental health awareness 
Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister commits to a 'significant package of insurance contract law reform in 2018'; Admits archaic disclosure rules are divisive
23rd May 17, 9:15am
Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister commits to a 'significant package of insurance contract law reform in 2018'; Admits archaic disclosure rules are divisive
Insurance lawyer calls for playing field to be leveled in NZ so insurers suffer the same consequences as their customers if they tell porkies
22nd Feb 17, 7:57am
Insurance lawyer calls for playing field to be leveled in NZ so insurers suffer the same consequences as their customers if they tell porkies
Insurance: How the law protects you from some arbitary insurance decisions
5th Mar 10, 9:41am
by John Grant
Insurance: How the law protects you from some arbitary insurance decisions