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housing affordabilty

NZ First leader Winston Peters says allowing more granny flats to be built would help make housing more affordable for families
17th Jun 24, 4:12pm
NZ First leader Winston Peters says allowing more granny flats to be built would help make housing more affordable for families
The Government's still insisting on the powers to over-ride local government on housing development. Local government is resisting
7th Aug 13, 4:07pm
The Government's still insisting on the powers to over-ride local government on housing development. Local government is resisting
Bernard Hickey calls for some political support for RBNZ Governor Wheeler's attempts to slow down the housing market
21st Jul 13, 8:54am
Bernard Hickey calls for some political support for RBNZ Governor Wheeler's attempts to slow down the housing market
Finance Minister says compact cities 'drive up house prices'; says people should support 'more flexible supply of new housing'
10th Jul 13, 12:31pm
Finance Minister says compact cities 'drive up house prices'; says people should support 'more flexible supply of new housing'
Barfoot & Thompson's monthly rental review says that the best rental yields for investors in Auckland come from suburbs with lower cost housing
21st Jun 13, 2:41pm
Barfoot & Thompson's monthly rental review says that the best rental yields for investors in Auckland come from suburbs with lower cost housing
Auckland Mayor says it's time for a national discussion on the country's distribution of population
13th Jun 13, 1:34pm
Auckland Mayor says it's time for a national discussion on the country's distribution of population