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Labour's Arena Williams argues if the Government was serious about tackling high prices, big corporates would already be changing their behaviour
1st Mar 25, 9:24am
by Guest
Labour's Arena Williams argues if the Government was serious about tackling high prices, big corporates would already be changing their behaviour
Commerce Commission filing criminal charges against Woolworths NZ and two Foodstuffs supermarkets over allegations of inaccurate pricing and misleading specials
10th Dec 24, 10:38am
Commerce Commission filing criminal charges against Woolworths NZ and two Foodstuffs supermarkets over allegations of inaccurate pricing and misleading specials
Commerce Commission declines merger application of the two Foodstuffs co-operatives, citing concerns around the merged entities having ‘greater buyer power’ and shrinking NZ’s grocery competition further
1st Oct 24, 10:07am
Commerce Commission declines merger application of the two Foodstuffs co-operatives, citing concerns around the merged entities having ‘greater buyer power’ and shrinking NZ’s grocery competition further
In a new episode of our Of Interest podcast, Grocery Commissioner Pierre van Heerden details what's needed to boost competition in NZ’s grocery sector
7th Sep 24, 9:15am
In a new episode of our Of Interest podcast, Grocery Commissioner Pierre van Heerden details what's needed to boost competition in NZ’s grocery sector
New Zealand's supermarkets are facing increased scrutiny after expanding their profit margins on non-fresh food, leading the Grocery Commissioner to call for stronger intervention powers
5th Sep 24, 3:20pm
New Zealand's supermarkets are facing increased scrutiny after expanding their profit margins on non-fresh food, leading the Grocery Commissioner to call for stronger intervention powers
Grocery Commissioner Pierre van Heerden says supermarkets are growing their margins and competition has not improved over the past two years
4th Sep 24, 9:29am
Grocery Commissioner Pierre van Heerden says supermarkets are growing their margins and competition has not improved over the past two years
In the Commerce Commission’s first grocery report, will the Grocery Commissioner give NZ’s grocery goliaths a gold star for effort – or will they be slapped with a negative report card?
3rd Sep 24, 7:44am
In the Commerce Commission’s first grocery report, will the Grocery Commissioner give NZ’s grocery goliaths a gold star for effort – or will they be slapped with a negative report card?
Woolworths New Zealand’s annual earnings fall 56% amid $8 billion food sales and ‘competitive market’ pressures
28th Aug 24, 12:35pm
Woolworths New Zealand’s annual earnings fall 56% amid $8 billion food sales and ‘competitive market’ pressures
Commerce Commission launches review into new Grocery Supply Code, says it’s an ‘important checkpoint’ to make sure the Code is on the right track
1st Aug 24, 12:19pm
Commerce Commission launches review into new Grocery Supply Code, says it’s an ‘important checkpoint’ to make sure the Code is on the right track
Food inflation helps Foodstuffs North Island hit record revenue of $9.2 billion but annual profit still sinks into the red
11th Jul 24, 3:42pm
Food inflation helps Foodstuffs North Island hit record revenue of $9.2 billion but annual profit still sinks into the red
Big rise in annual revenue for Foodstuffs South Island doesn't keep its bottom line out of the red
21st Jun 24, 3:50pm
Big rise in annual revenue for Foodstuffs South Island doesn't keep its bottom line out of the red
Commerce Commission extends its decision due date for the Foodstuffs merger for the second time due to ‘unresolved issues’, will now release final decision in October
21st Jun 24, 10:47am
Commerce Commission extends its decision due date for the Foodstuffs merger for the second time due to ‘unresolved issues’, will now release final decision in October
The Warehouse Group says it can’t see how the Commerce Commission ‘can be satisfied’ with Foodstuffs merger on the table
14th May 24, 1:27pm
The Warehouse Group says it can’t see how the Commerce Commission ‘can be satisfied’ with Foodstuffs merger on the table
Foodstuffs North Island and Foodstuffs South Island say proposed merger ‘isn’t capable’ of hindering grocery competition, others beg to differ
4th May 24, 9:01am
Foodstuffs North Island and Foodstuffs South Island say proposed merger ‘isn’t capable’ of hindering grocery competition, others beg to differ
Grocery Commissioner Pierre van Heerden says he wants to ‘level the playing field’ of the $25 billion grocery sector in a new letter to industry
16th Apr 24, 12:11pm
Grocery Commissioner Pierre van Heerden says he wants to ‘level the playing field’ of the $25 billion grocery sector in a new letter to industry
Worried about price gouging? For banks, there’s a simple solution, Peter Martin says
1st Mar 24, 5:00am
by Guest
Worried about price gouging? For banks, there’s a simple solution, Peter Martin says
PwC appointed voluntary administrator of Supie, with initial estimates suggesting creditors are owed about $3m as grocery watchdog reveals 'top 3' on his fix-it list for supermarket sector
30th Oct 23, 12:30pm
PwC appointed voluntary administrator of Supie, with initial estimates suggesting creditors are owed about $3m as grocery watchdog reveals 'top 3' on his fix-it list for supermarket sector
New Kiwibank spending data shows the volume of card spend declined 0.7% over the September quarter, while compared with a year earlier, the number of transactions grew by just 0.5%
10th Oct 23, 10:33am
New Kiwibank spending data shows the volume of card spend declined 0.7% over the September quarter, while compared with a year earlier, the number of transactions grew by just 0.5%
New Kiwibank spending data shows that despite the cost of living squeeze we are still spending as we need to - but discretion is being applied
11th Jul 23, 11:22am
New Kiwibank spending data shows that despite the cost of living squeeze we are still spending as we need to - but discretion is being applied
Auckland food manufacturer says some costs are coming down, but staffing is a battle
10th Jun 23, 9:10am
Auckland food manufacturer says some costs are coming down, but staffing is a battle
NZ won't follow France, UK in introducing grocery price caps: Commerce Minister Duncan Webb
31st May 23, 9:25am
NZ won't follow France, UK in introducing grocery price caps: Commerce Minister Duncan Webb
Clark announces Govt will legislate to create a regulatory backstop for supermarket wholesale access if Foodstuffs and Woolworths don't cooperate within a couple of years
24th Aug 22, 3:17pm
Clark announces Govt will legislate to create a regulatory backstop for supermarket wholesale access if Foodstuffs and Woolworths don't cooperate within a couple of years
Government proposes telco-style grocery industry regulator and mandatory code of conduct
6th Jul 22, 3:15pm
Government proposes telco-style grocery industry regulator and mandatory code of conduct
BNPL now a common financial tangle for clients of financial mentors, who feel regulation is required to avoid 'bottom of the cliff' scenarios
5th Feb 22, 9:15am
by Toby Allen
BNPL now a common financial tangle for clients of financial mentors, who feel regulation is required to avoid 'bottom of the cliff' scenarios
The savings from buying groceries for six weeks in New Zealand gives you a free week, compared with buying them in Australia. Your view?
25th Nov 11, 3:29pm
The savings from buying groceries for six weeks in New Zealand gives you a free week, compared with buying them in Australia. Your view?