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Customer and Product Data Bill

Bell Gully's Richard Massey & Ravi Maharaj provide an update on the Consumer Data Right following a key Select Committee report
21st Jan 25, 9:46am
by Guest
Bell Gully's Richard Massey & Ravi Maharaj provide an update on the Consumer Data Right following a key Select Committee report
As the Government develops a Consumer Data Right regime, some key questions centre around fees
3rd Oct 24, 9:28am
As the Government develops a Consumer Data Right regime, some key questions centre around fees
Consumer NZ and BNZ tell MPs a public education campaign is required to promote data sharing
23rd Sep 24, 4:31pm
Consumer NZ and BNZ tell MPs a public education campaign is required to promote data sharing
Government proposes a short list of entities to be designated for open banking
3rd Sep 24, 9:22am
Government proposes a short list of entities to be designated for open banking
Nicola Willis & Andrew Bayly set sights on Kiwibank, open banking, the Reserve Bank & mortgage brokers in response to Commerce Commission competition study
20th Aug 24, 11:35am
Nicola Willis & Andrew Bayly set sights on Kiwibank, open banking, the Reserve Bank & mortgage brokers in response to Commerce Commission competition study
New Zealand has a chance to learn from other countries on consumer data right, ASB CEO Vittoria Shortt says
16th Aug 24, 9:53am
New Zealand has a chance to learn from other countries on consumer data right, ASB CEO Vittoria Shortt says
The Customer and Product Data Bill is going through Parliament, but what does it mean for you? Louisa Joblin and Sophie Phillips of Duncan Cotterill explain
1st Aug 24, 12:43pm
by Guest
The Customer and Product Data Bill is going through Parliament, but what does it mean for you? Louisa Joblin and Sophie Phillips of Duncan Cotterill explain
CEO Dan Huggins says BNZ wants a 'robust' consumer data right regime standing behind open banking, which offers 'lots of things' beneficial to customers
4th May 24, 9:10am
CEO Dan Huggins says BNZ wants a 'robust' consumer data right regime standing behind open banking, which offers 'lots of things' beneficial to customers
Technology lawyer Andrew Dentice urges more discussion on the services open banking enables, and less on the technology behind it
20th Apr 24, 9:31am
Technology lawyer Andrew Dentice urges more discussion on the services open banking enables, and less on the technology behind it
Privacy protection, accreditation regime & fit and proper person test included in proposed law overseeing consumer data right
23rd Jun 23, 9:08am
Privacy protection, accreditation regime & fit and proper person test included in proposed law overseeing consumer data right