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carbon credits

Government to limit the amount of new forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme
17th Jul 24, 7:16am
Government to limit the amount of new forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme
Five businesses emit as much carbon as half of New Zealand’s vehicle fleet and Christian climate campaigners want them to pay for it
19th Jun 24, 6:46am
Five businesses emit as much carbon as half of New Zealand’s vehicle fleet and Christian climate campaigners want them to pay for it
Emission Trading Scheme March auction partially clears at a price of $64
20th Mar 24, 1:16pm
Emission Trading Scheme March auction partially clears at a price of $64
Nicola Willis says she is wary of emission subsidies but there are no plans to change the industrial allocation volumes at the moment
19th Mar 24, 1:30pm
Nicola Willis says she is wary of emission subsidies but there are no plans to change the industrial allocation volumes at the moment
Climate Change Commission advises the Coalition Government to half the number of ETS units on offer in each of the next six years, cutting Crown revenue for tax cuts
12th Mar 24, 3:41pm
Climate Change Commission advises the Coalition Government to half the number of ETS units on offer in each of the next six years, cutting Crown revenue for tax cuts
An entire year’s supply of carbon units will be offered in the year's final ETS auction and will be erased if unsold
6th Sep 23, 1:11pm
An entire year’s supply of carbon units will be offered in the year's final ETS auction and will be erased if unsold
Susan Harris says NZ exporters need to be aware of, and prepared for, carbon tariffs being developed by two of their most important premium export markets
2nd Jul 23, 6:01am
by Guest
Susan Harris says NZ exporters need to be aware of, and prepared for, carbon tariffs being developed by two of their most important premium export markets
James Shaw says the ETS market is working as intended after another auction gets declined due to insufficient bids
15th Jun 23, 6:49am
James Shaw says the ETS market is working as intended after another auction gets declined due to insufficient bids
Emissions Trading Scheme participants are waiting to see the outcome of a review into forestry’s role in the scheme which could impact prices
5th May 23, 3:12pm
Emissions Trading Scheme participants are waiting to see the outcome of a review into forestry’s role in the scheme which could impact prices
Climate Change Commission’s ETS advice could increase households' costs by between $85 and $877 in 2026
15th Apr 23, 9:10am
Climate Change Commission’s ETS advice could increase households' costs by between $85 and $877 in 2026
Climate Change Commission warns Government not to ignore its Emissions Trading Scheme advice for a second time
13th Apr 23, 10:16am
Climate Change Commission warns Government not to ignore its Emissions Trading Scheme advice for a second time
New Zealand may have to spend ‘multiple billions’ buying overseas carbon offsets to hit 2030 climate goals, a Treasury report says
11th Apr 23, 12:55pm
New Zealand may have to spend ‘multiple billions’ buying overseas carbon offsets to hit 2030 climate goals, a Treasury report says
Susan Harris says the carbon price needs to go up, gradually, until it hurts. Then, emissions will come down
29th Mar 23, 4:48pm
by Guest
Susan Harris says the carbon price needs to go up, gradually, until it hurts. Then, emissions will come down
Now is the time New Zealand needs to get the split-gas system for short and long-lived greenhouse gases locked in
30th Nov 21, 10:34am
Now is the time New Zealand needs to get the split-gas system for short and long-lived greenhouse gases locked in
Guy Trafford reckons the recent rural protests have been quite misplaced. Besides there are larger issues to deal with on the farm during a prosperous period, like getting ready to adapt to big climate change forces
25th Nov 21, 9:46am
Guy Trafford reckons the recent rural protests have been quite misplaced. Besides there are larger issues to deal with on the farm during a prosperous period, like getting ready to adapt to big climate change forces
Guy Trafford checks the Glasgow 'blah, blah, blah' from a rural perspective and is underwhelmed. Even the rhetoric from the 2015 Paris Agreement has barely improved, and the NZ contribution seems confused
19th Nov 21, 10:55am
Guy Trafford checks the Glasgow 'blah, blah, blah' from a rural perspective and is underwhelmed. Even the rhetoric from the 2015 Paris Agreement has barely improved, and the NZ contribution seems confused
New Emissions Trading Scheme targets plus foreshadowed changes to forestry rules add new uncertainties to carbon investment decisions
17th Nov 21, 9:33am
New Emissions Trading Scheme targets plus foreshadowed changes to forestry rules add new uncertainties to carbon investment decisions
Carbon and forestry, increasingly linked to overseas investors, continue to outmuscle sheep and beef but nothing about carbon is simple
20th Oct 21, 1:52pm
Carbon and forestry, increasingly linked to overseas investors, continue to outmuscle sheep and beef but nothing about carbon is simple
There are close on 400,000 hectares of non-registered post-1989 forests eligible to join the ETS. Once registered, many owners could within one year earn $7500 or more per hectare in historical credits back to 2018
7th Oct 21, 9:17am
There are close on 400,000 hectares of non-registered post-1989 forests eligible to join the ETS. Once registered, many owners could within one year earn $7500 or more per hectare in historical credits back to 2018
The Government never foresaw the land-use forces they were unleashing with the ETS
22nd Sep 21, 4:43pm
The Government never foresaw the land-use forces they were unleashing with the ETS
The carbon price is now high enough to change land-use sufficiently to blow away sheep and beef, but too low to significantly influence emission behaviours elsewhere
8th Sep 21, 6:31am
The carbon price is now high enough to change land-use sufficiently to blow away sheep and beef, but too low to significantly influence emission behaviours elsewhere
On Wednesday, The Government lost control of the ETS to speculators. This has big implications and challenges for the path ahead
2nd Sep 21, 10:06am
On Wednesday, The Government lost control of the ETS to speculators. This has big implications and challenges for the path ahead
Angus Kebbell finds that New Zealand’s sheep and beef sector is unique globally in terms of the amount of native forest on its land, and Government policy changes should strengthen that, not undermine it
19th Dec 20, 9:35am
Angus Kebbell finds that New Zealand’s sheep and beef sector is unique globally in terms of the amount of native forest on its land, and Government policy changes should strengthen that, not undermine it
Keith Woodford explains how our forestry policy is not fit for purpose and will lead to perverse outcomes without much better targeting of permanent forests on the back-country
9th Dec 19, 10:41am
Keith Woodford explains how our forestry policy is not fit for purpose and will lead to perverse outcomes without much better targeting of permanent forests on the back-country