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Until we can agree upon the shape and purpose of the state we are defending, then the long-overdue refurbishment and rehabilitation of our armed forces is unlikely to, and probably shouldn’t, happen
24th Feb 25, 8:30am
Until we can agree upon the shape and purpose of the state we are defending, then the long-overdue refurbishment and rehabilitation of our armed forces is unlikely to, and probably shouldn’t, happen
For the democratic process to be meaningful, argues Chris Trotter, it must also be public
2nd Dec 24, 8:13am
For the democratic process to be meaningful, argues Chris Trotter, it must also be public
Chris Hipkins says Labour opposes joining the ‘nuclear-adjacent’ defence arrangement
1st Dec 24, 4:06pm
Chris Hipkins says Labour opposes joining the ‘nuclear-adjacent’ defence arrangement
Brian Easton says New Zealand is again having to reconcile conflicting pressures from its military and its trade interests. Should we join Pillar Two of AUKUS and risk compromising our markets in China?
29th Jul 24, 9:05am
Brian Easton says New Zealand is again having to reconcile conflicting pressures from its military and its trade interests. Should we join Pillar Two of AUKUS and risk compromising our markets in China?
David Mahon assesses trade and geopolitical tensions between China and the US, and says New Zealand risks destroying 50 years of balanced, non-allied status in the Asia-Pacific
21st May 24, 10:55am
David Mahon assesses trade and geopolitical tensions between China and the US, and says New Zealand risks destroying 50 years of balanced, non-allied status in the Asia-Pacific
Robert Patman looks at three possible reasons New Zealand is taking so long to make a call on AUKUS
11th May 24, 9:21am
by Guest
Robert Patman looks at three possible reasons New Zealand is taking so long to make a call on AUKUS
Chris Trotter says like it or not, the Kiwis are either going into 'Pillar 2' – or they are going to China
6th May 24, 9:48am
Chris Trotter says like it or not, the Kiwis are either going into 'Pillar 2' – or they are going to China
Small countries should take a stand against 'law of the jungle' and promote free trade, Christopher Luxon and Lee Hsien Loong say
16th Apr 24, 6:59am
Small countries should take a stand against 'law of the jungle' and promote free trade, Christopher Luxon and Lee Hsien Loong say
Exports, investment, infrastructure and security likely to on the agenda for Christopher Luxon on trip to Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines
14th Apr 24, 7:20pm
Exports, investment, infrastructure and security likely to on the agenda for Christopher Luxon on trip to Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines
Patience required as China's economy, like much of the world, deals with a Covid-19 hangover, says David Mahon in our Of Interest podcast
3rd Mar 24, 6:00am
Patience required as China's economy, like much of the world, deals with a Covid-19 hangover, says David Mahon in our Of Interest podcast
Joining AUKUS could boost NZ’s poor research and technology spending – but at what cost?
26th Feb 24, 11:18am
by Guest
Joining AUKUS could boost NZ’s poor research and technology spending – but at what cost?
David Mahon says despite considerable challenges, the Chinese economy is recovering, and will offer the strongest and most investible market for the rest of the decade
21st Dec 23, 9:24am
David Mahon says despite considerable challenges, the Chinese economy is recovering, and will offer the strongest and most investible market for the rest of the decade
Is a smoothed path for Kiwis seeking Aussie citizenship the quid pro quo for New Zealand signing-on to AUKUS?
24th Apr 23, 8:14am
Is a smoothed path for Kiwis seeking Aussie citizenship the quid pro quo for New Zealand signing-on to AUKUS?
China's alignment with Russia has driven 75% of Australians to consider it 'very likely' or 'somewhat likely' that China will become a military threat to Australia in the next 20 years
21st Jul 22, 11:53am
China's alignment with Russia has driven 75% of Australians to consider it 'very likely' or 'somewhat likely' that China will become a military threat to Australia in the next 20 years
History teaches us that it’s the waning superpowers, edged-off the geopolitical stage by more dynamic rivals, that the world’s small and vulnerable states have most reason to fear, writes Chris Trotter
30th May 22, 8:14am
History teaches us that it’s the waning superpowers, edged-off the geopolitical stage by more dynamic rivals, that the world’s small and vulnerable states have most reason to fear, writes Chris Trotter
'It is not easy to take out insurance when the house is already on fire.' As Finland and Sweden worry, waiting too long to cement security relationships when great powers fight can leave you vulnerable to being picked off
23rd Mar 22, 2:16pm
'It is not easy to take out insurance when the house is already on fire.' As Finland and Sweden worry, waiting too long to cement security relationships when great powers fight can leave you vulnerable to being picked off
Australia is going to need all its reserves of luck to navigate a fast growing list of threats and challenges, says Ross Stitt
23rd Sep 21, 9:51am
Australia is going to need all its reserves of luck to navigate a fast growing list of threats and challenges, says Ross Stitt
To join this 'Coalition of the Waning': this AUKUS Pact created by the three military aggressors of the Iraq War; would not only be folly – it would be criminal folly
20th Sep 21, 8:02am
To join this 'Coalition of the Waning': this AUKUS Pact created by the three military aggressors of the Iraq War; would not only be folly – it would be criminal folly