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There's a much smaller number of NZ foreign trusts than there was a decade ago, but they're still quite popular in Argentina
19th Mar 25, 11:17am
There's a much smaller number of NZ foreign trusts than there was a decade ago, but they're still quite popular in Argentina
Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee says new AML/CFT regime will be better placed to respond to emerging money-laundering risks
24th Oct 24, 9:07am
Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee says new AML/CFT regime will be better placed to respond to emerging money-laundering risks
RBNZ & FMA to be stripped of anti-money laundering supervisory roles with DIA to be sole supervisor,  Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee says
23rd Oct 24, 10:03am
RBNZ & FMA to be stripped of anti-money laundering supervisory roles with DIA to be sole supervisor,  Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee says
Simon Papa calls for strategic, co-ordinated and ongoing action from the top of government down to resolve problems in the financial services sector
5th Sep 24, 7:10am
Simon Papa calls for strategic, co-ordinated and ongoing action from the top of government down to resolve problems in the financial services sector
Is the public sector pulling its weight in the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing?
17th Jun 24, 2:34pm
Is the public sector pulling its weight in the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing?
Co-operative Bank CEO Mark Wilkshire eyes new core banking system, sees 2 key areas of open banking opportunity, 'moves quickly' to address RBNZ AML concerns
28th May 24, 11:14am
Co-operative Bank CEO Mark Wilkshire eyes new core banking system, sees 2 key areas of open banking opportunity, 'moves quickly' to address RBNZ AML concerns
Associate Minister of Justice Nicole McKee sets sights on reforming anti-money laundering laws
16th May 24, 5:00am
Associate Minister of Justice Nicole McKee sets sights on reforming anti-money laundering laws
Martin Dilly & Fiona Hall warn job cuts for anti-money laundering staff at the Department of Internal Affairs risk putting New Zealand on a path to the dreaded 'grey list'
30th Apr 24, 10:03am
by Guest
Martin Dilly & Fiona Hall warn job cuts for anti-money laundering staff at the Department of Internal Affairs risk putting New Zealand on a path to the dreaded 'grey list'
RBNZ says higher operating costs a bigger competition challenge for small banks than regulatory capital settings
24th Apr 24, 12:18pm
RBNZ says higher operating costs a bigger competition challenge for small banks than regulatory capital settings
Gareth Vaughan highlights how in its draft recommendations to bolster retail banking competition, the Commerce Commission is muscling in on the Reserve Bank's turf and seeking market intervention from a 3-headed government
21st Mar 24, 1:44pm
Gareth Vaughan highlights how in its draft recommendations to bolster retail banking competition, the Commerce Commission is muscling in on the Reserve Bank's turf and seeking market intervention from a 3-headed government
Boosting small banks' capital, speeding up open banking & improved bank switching among Commerce Commission recommendations to boost bank competition
21st Mar 24, 8:41am
Boosting small banks' capital, speeding up open banking & improved bank switching among Commerce Commission recommendations to boost bank competition
Commerce & Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly says banking probe could look at encouraging more lending to 'productive' sectors instead of housing
19th Feb 24, 10:10am
Commerce & Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly says banking probe could look at encouraging more lending to 'productive' sectors instead of housing
Citibank NZ cops a formal Reserve Bank warning under the AML/CFT Act over 64,000 international wire transfers
14th Dec 23, 11:50am
Citibank NZ cops a formal Reserve Bank warning under the AML/CFT Act over 64,000 international wire transfers
Westpac floats idea of mutual anti-money laundering due diligence across banks to help improve the customer switching experience
21st Oct 23, 10:11am
Westpac floats idea of mutual anti-money laundering due diligence across banks to help improve the customer switching experience
Commerce & consumer affairs spokesman Andrew Bayly says National looking at use of biometrics, potentially the blockchain, to simplify AML verification requirements
25th Sep 23, 11:06am
Commerce & consumer affairs spokesman Andrew Bayly says National looking at use of biometrics, potentially the blockchain, to simplify AML verification requirements
In a stocktake on the anti-money laundering & countering terrorist financing law at 10, Gary Hughes explains where it came from, its impact & how it might be improved
31st Aug 23, 11:04am
In a stocktake on the anti-money laundering & countering terrorist financing law at 10, Gary Hughes explains where it came from, its impact & how it might be improved
National's Andrew Bayly on fair conduct, anti-money laundering and how open banking could help combat scams
24th Aug 23, 11:35am
National's Andrew Bayly on fair conduct, anti-money laundering and how open banking could help combat scams
Independent advisers to select committee crypto inquiry suggest 'coherent and consistent guidance on the treatment of digital assets under current law'
18th Aug 23, 1:55pm
Independent advisers to select committee crypto inquiry suggest 'coherent and consistent guidance on the treatment of digital assets under current law'
Hunting for a ‘golden unicorn’: How NZ charities find banks constantly get in the way of them helping people
8th Aug 23, 10:24am
by Guest
Hunting for a ‘golden unicorn’: How NZ charities find banks constantly get in the way of them helping people
As the Commerce Commission's banking market study gets underway, Gareth Vaughan looks at the impact of regulation on competition
14th Jul 23, 8:32am
As the Commerce Commission's banking market study gets underway, Gareth Vaughan looks at the impact of regulation on competition
Share broker Tiger Brokers pinged in FMA court case after transacting $60.8m 'without proper checks and controls in place'
29th Jun 23, 1:00pm
Share broker Tiger Brokers pinged in FMA court case after transacting $60.8m 'without proper checks and controls in place'
Gary Hughes puts a spotlight on the 'novel Kiwi experiment' of outlawing large cash transactions
8th May 23, 8:00am
by Guest
Gary Hughes puts a spotlight on the 'novel Kiwi experiment' of outlawing large cash transactions
Nicholas Gilmour and Tristram Hicks on what has gone wrong in the war against money laundering and what could be done to turn the tide
24th Feb 23, 9:32am
Nicholas Gilmour and Tristram Hicks on what has gone wrong in the war against money laundering and what could be done to turn the tide
FMA files court proceedings against Tiger Brokers, alleging AML/CFT Act breaches, says the record-keeping breaches are systemic and significant
21st Dec 22, 2:19pm
by admin
FMA files court proceedings against Tiger Brokers, alleging AML/CFT Act breaches, says the record-keeping breaches are systemic and significant
ANZ NZ awaiting outcome of RBNZ probe into 'material breach' of anti-money laundering laws
15th Nov 22, 11:54am
ANZ NZ awaiting outcome of RBNZ probe into 'material breach' of anti-money laundering laws