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Roger Kerr

Pressure on Robertson to borrow more to stimulate the economy mounts, as debt gets cheaper, the effectiveness of interest rate cuts diminishes, and credit rating agencies remain happy
16th Apr 19, 12:41pm
Pressure on Robertson to borrow more to stimulate the economy mounts, as debt gets cheaper, the effectiveness of interest rate cuts diminishes, and credit rating agencies remain happy
Steven Joyce says the risks facing the NZ economy are 'almost exclusively international', while Roger Kerr and Anthony Healy only see household debt as a 'medium term' issue
21st Feb 17, 2:02pm
Steven Joyce says the risks facing the NZ economy are 'almost exclusively international', while Roger Kerr and Anthony Healy only see household debt as a 'medium term' issue
Opinion: Roger Kerr looks at international work-for-the-dole schemes, and wonders whether New Zealand should beef up its 'workfare'?
7th Oct 11, 12:11pm
Opinion: Roger Kerr looks at international work-for-the-dole schemes, and wonders whether New Zealand should beef up its 'workfare'?
Opinion: Are warnings about minimum wages Dickensian​?
29th Jul 11, 11:07am
Opinion: Are warnings about minimum wages Dickensian​?
Opinion: The time is right to break the impasse and raise the superannuation age
27th Jun 11, 10:44am
Opinion: The time is right to break the impasse and raise the superannuation age
Alex's politico economic blogroll: Crampton on why a youth minimum wage was good; Brownlee's caravan failure; John 'rates hike' Banks a joke for ACT
6th May 11, 2:44pm
Alex's politico economic blogroll: Crampton on why a youth minimum wage was good; Brownlee's caravan failure; John 'rates hike' Banks a joke for ACT
Alex's politico-economic blogroll: Farrar doubts TPP with US; Robertson on food stress; Crampton wants to sue everyone
21st Mar 11, 2:41pm
Alex's politico-economic blogroll: Farrar doubts TPP with US; Robertson on food stress; Crampton wants to sue everyone
Privatisation myths need to be busted
7th Mar 11, 1:09pm
Privatisation myths need to be busted
Alex's politico-economic blogroll: Eric Crampton's tariff scoop; 1953 mineral stock-take call; Matt Nolan rationalises asset sales: Billy T on job hunting
14th Feb 11, 2:01pm
Alex's politico-economic blogroll: Eric Crampton's tariff scoop; 1953 mineral stock-take call; Matt Nolan rationalises asset sales: Billy T on job hunting
Alex's politico-economic blogroll: 'I picked the double-dip'; Kerr says it's all Sue Bradford's fault; Why Lesbians earn more; Farrar on ACC's non-privatisation
24th Dec 10, 1:42pm
Alex's politico-economic blogroll: 'I picked the double-dip'; Kerr says it's all Sue Bradford's fault; Why Lesbians earn more; Farrar on ACC's non-privatisation
Alex's politico-economic blog roll: Raise the retirement age; 50% top tax rate; Public benefits of private ownership
10th Dec 10, 5:32pm
Alex's politico-economic blog roll: Raise the retirement age; 50% top tax rate; Public benefits of private ownership
The politico-economic blog roll: Groser "far fetched"; Key wanted NZ to be like Ireland; Roger Kerr thinks supply and demand will save us from peak oil
26th Nov 10, 3:20pm
The politico-economic blog roll: Groser "far fetched"; Key wanted NZ to be like Ireland; Roger Kerr thinks supply and demand will save us from peak oil
What might happen if we restrict foreign ownership in farmland
8th Oct 10, 3:47pm
by Guest
What might happen if we restrict foreign ownership in farmland