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Michael Ryff

Judge rules Solid Energy debt restructure 'not a recapitalisation of a healthy company for Crown's benefit at banks' expense'
20th Jan 14, 5:28pm
Judge rules Solid Energy debt restructure 'not a recapitalisation of a healthy company for Crown's benefit at banks' expense'
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi fails in court attempt to block Solid Energy debt restructure
19th Dec 13, 8:42am
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi fails in court attempt to block Solid Energy debt restructure
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, facing a $16.3m haircut on an $80m loan, says it can't estimate the potential financial impact from its exposure to Solid Energy
6th Dec 13, 5:15pm
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, facing a $16.3m haircut on an $80m loan, says it can't estimate the potential financial impact from its exposure to Solid Energy
Disgruntled Solid Energy lender the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi details how it's opposing the SOE's debt restructure
24th Oct 13, 1:21pm
Disgruntled Solid Energy lender the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi details how it's opposing the SOE's debt restructure
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi grows annual lending to NZ corporates 23%, on top of last year's 30% growth, as it targets major NZ companies
12th Jul 12, 4:17pm
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi grows annual lending to NZ corporates 23%, on top of last year's 30% growth, as it targets major NZ companies