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Dave Cull

Government unveils framework for New Zealand's first nationwide climate change risk assessment
19th Sep 19, 2:10pm
Government unveils framework for New Zealand's first nationwide climate change risk assessment
Mayoral candidates are now in campaign mode as they all fight for the top job in cities and towns around the country
22nd Aug 19, 4:35pm
Mayoral candidates are now in campaign mode as they all fight for the top job in cities and towns around the country
Steve Forbes looks at why strange bedfellows the New Zealand Initiative and Local Government New Zealand have teamed up in a push for greater devolution of power to local government and what they hope to achieve
8th Aug 19, 10:34am
Steve Forbes looks at why strange bedfellows the New Zealand Initiative and Local Government New Zealand have teamed up in a push for greater devolution of power to local government and what they hope to achieve
Discussion paper from Local Government New Zealand, with the backing of the NZ Initiative, calls for devolution of power including taxing from central to local government
8th Jul 19, 9:53pm
Discussion paper from Local Government New Zealand, with the backing of the NZ Initiative, calls for devolution of power including taxing from central to local government
Local Government New Zealand pushing case for central government to devolve more power to local government as Productivity Commission report on local government funding nears
1st Jul 19, 2:10pm
Local Government New Zealand pushing case for central government to devolve more power to local government as Productivity Commission report on local government funding nears
Local Government New Zealand's campaign to increase voter turnout garners support
23rd May 19, 3:48pm
Local Government New Zealand's campaign to increase voter turnout garners support
NZTA resignations and restructuring responsible for delays in major public projects in Auckland, according to councillor
28th Mar 19, 7:00am
NZTA resignations and restructuring responsible for delays in major public projects in Auckland, according to councillor
Climate change assessment highlights at risk areas in the City of Sails
21st Mar 19, 3:22pm
Climate change assessment highlights at risk areas in the City of Sails
Trumpeted 11 months ago by Phils Goff and Twyford as transformational, Auckland Council is now airing concerns about the $28 billion Auckland Transport Alignment Project
20th Mar 19, 3:23pm
Trumpeted 11 months ago by Phils Goff and Twyford as transformational, Auckland Council is now airing concerns about the $28 billion Auckland Transport Alignment Project
OECD report says New Zealand government needs to work on a national plan for rising sea levels, but highlights local government work in Hawke's Bay
7th Mar 19, 2:50pm
OECD report says New Zealand government needs to work on a national plan for rising sea levels, but highlights local government work in Hawke's Bay
Campaign to improve local democracy kicks off
6th Mar 19, 1:01pm
Campaign to improve local democracy kicks off
New Zealand Infrastructure Commission unveiled
20th Feb 19, 3:35pm
New Zealand Infrastructure Commission unveiled
Auditor General notes growing debts and rising costs at councils as they grapple with issues including population growth and climate change
16th Feb 19, 9:31am
Auditor General notes growing debts and rising costs at councils as they grapple with issues including population growth and climate change
Local Government New Zealand's call for government action to address rising sea levels met with minister's somewhat muted response
4th Feb 19, 1:55pm
Local Government New Zealand's call for government action to address rising sea levels met with minister's somewhat muted response
Local Government New Zealand says up to $14 billion of local government infrastructure is at risk from rising sea levels and climate change
31st Jan 19, 11:12am
Local Government New Zealand says up to $14 billion of local government infrastructure is at risk from rising sea levels and climate change
The local body election cycle has rolled around again with elections due later this year. So what's happening with the push to increase voter turnout by enabling online voting?
22nd Jan 19, 4:53pm
The local body election cycle has rolled around again with elections due later this year. So what's happening with the push to increase voter turnout by enabling online voting?
Ardern commits to restricting regional fuel taxes to Auckland while she's at the helm; Bridges happy, but dubs her decision a backdown made on the hoof
24th Oct 18, 4:48pm
Ardern commits to restricting regional fuel taxes to Auckland while she's at the helm; Bridges happy, but dubs her decision a backdown made on the hoof
Local Government Minister signals need to move to a new regulatory system for water services
30th May 18, 4:32pm
by Guest
Local Government Minister signals need to move to a new regulatory system for water services
Central govt asks Productivity Commission to probe local govt funding; acknowledges some of the councils facing the biggest cost increases have shrinking rating bases
11th May 18, 1:44pm
Central govt asks Productivity Commission to probe local govt funding; acknowledges some of the councils facing the biggest cost increases have shrinking rating bases
Having forked out $240m for damage caused by extreme weather events in the last year, insurers call for the establishment of a central agency to oversee a plan to adapt to the impacts of climate change; LGNZ on a similar page
7th Mar 18, 1:03pm
Having forked out $240m for damage caused by extreme weather events in the last year, insurers call for the establishment of a central agency to oversee a plan to adapt to the impacts of climate change; LGNZ on a similar page
Local Government New Zealand keen to work with the new Government as a 'matter of urgency' to find alternative methods of funding new infrastructure
13th Nov 17, 2:50pm
Local Government New Zealand keen to work with the new Government as a 'matter of urgency' to find alternative methods of funding new infrastructure
Allan Barber reviews the difficulties AgResearch is having selling their restructure plans to staff, local communities and the breeder industry players who are most affected
24th Apr 14, 4:05pm
Allan Barber reviews the difficulties AgResearch is having selling their restructure plans to staff, local communities and the breeder industry players who are most affected
Auditor-General to investigate NZ$14.12 mln investment by Dunedin City Council entity in Luggate and Jacks Point property whose value has halved
14th Nov 12, 4:30pm
Auditor-General to investigate NZ$14.12 mln investment by Dunedin City Council entity in Luggate and Jacks Point property whose value has halved