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University of Otago

Quantum technologies are changing our world – David Hutchinson asks what NZ needs to do to be part of the next revolution
12th Mar 25, 10:47am
by Guest
Quantum technologies are changing our world – David Hutchinson asks what NZ needs to do to be part of the next revolution
Preventing falls: Google Street View offers a quick way to assess risks for older New Zealanders
21st Oct 24, 2:27pm
by Guest
Preventing falls: Google Street View offers a quick way to assess risks for older New Zealanders
Andrew Coleman looks at what the results of two surveys tell us about what New Zealanders want from retirement income policies
13th Sep 24, 5:00am
Andrew Coleman looks at what the results of two surveys tell us about what New Zealanders want from retirement income policies
Sara Walton & Andrea Foley use a new tracker to look at how well NZ companies are doing at reporting their climate impacts
10th Sep 24, 10:17am
by Guest
Sara Walton & Andrea Foley use a new tracker to look at how well NZ companies are doing at reporting their climate impacts
Air New Zealand won’t be the last company to miss its climate goals – here’s why
16th Aug 24, 10:27am
by Guest
Air New Zealand won’t be the last company to miss its climate goals – here’s why
The struggle to unplug: why Kiwis find it so hard to disconnect from the internet
29th Jul 24, 12:08pm
by Guest
The struggle to unplug: why Kiwis find it so hard to disconnect from the internet
Global demand for oil could peak soon meaning NZ’s plan to revive offshore exploration doesn’t add up, Jen Purdie says
14th Jun 24, 9:48am
by Guest
Global demand for oil could peak soon meaning NZ’s plan to revive offshore exploration doesn’t add up, Jen Purdie says
Robert Patman looks at three possible reasons New Zealand is taking so long to make a call on AUKUS
11th May 24, 9:21am
by Guest
Robert Patman looks at three possible reasons New Zealand is taking so long to make a call on AUKUS
Alternative proteins are here so the next 30 years could be crucial for NZ’s meat and dairy sectors, Christopher Rosin & Hugh Campbell say
26th Mar 24, 6:59am
by Guest
Alternative proteins are here so the next 30 years could be crucial for NZ’s meat and dairy sectors, Christopher Rosin & Hugh Campbell say
Former Finance Minister Grant Robertson to leave Parliament and be replaced as Labour's Finance Spokesperson by Barbara Edmonds
20th Feb 24, 12:22pm
Former Finance Minister Grant Robertson to leave Parliament and be replaced as Labour's Finance Spokesperson by Barbara Edmonds
Harnessing the oceans to ‘bury’ carbon has huge potential – and risk – so New Zealand needs to move with caution
8th Dec 23, 9:46am
by Guest
Harnessing the oceans to ‘bury’ carbon has huge potential – and risk – so New Zealand needs to move with caution
While the Reserve Bank's widely expected to keep the Official Cash Rate unchanged this week, some experts on NZIER's 'Shadow Board' think higher rates are needed
14th Aug 23, 11:37am
While the Reserve Bank's widely expected to keep the Official Cash Rate unchanged this week, some experts on NZIER's 'Shadow Board' think higher rates are needed
The war in Ukraine is escalating and New Zealand will not escape the consequences, Nicholas Khoo says
6th Jun 23, 11:26am
by Guest
The war in Ukraine is escalating and New Zealand will not escape the consequences, Nicholas Khoo says
White-collar criminals benefit from leniency provisions in NZ law – why the disparity with other kinds of crime?
10th May 23, 9:48am
White-collar criminals benefit from leniency provisions in NZ law – why the disparity with other kinds of crime?
NZ superannuation should be available for everyone, but we're worried about the bill
12th Apr 23, 9:46am
NZ superannuation should be available for everyone, but we're worried about the bill
NZ’s health system has been under pressure for decades. Reforms need to think big and long-term to be effective
8th Feb 23, 9:32am
by Guest
NZ’s health system has been under pressure for decades. Reforms need to think big and long-term to be effective
A foot and mouth outbreak in NZ would affect more than agriculture – tourism needs a plan too
9th Aug 22, 1:04pm
by Guest
A foot and mouth outbreak in NZ would affect more than agriculture – tourism needs a plan too
Business can no longer ignore extreme heat events – it’s becoming a danger to the bottom line
6th Aug 22, 9:15am
by Guest
Business can no longer ignore extreme heat events – it’s becoming a danger to the bottom line
Chris Trotter reflects on the life of Professor James R. Flynn, and the pursuit of truth and justice
14th Dec 20, 9:42am
Chris Trotter reflects on the life of Professor James R. Flynn, and the pursuit of truth and justice
In's Election Series, the University of Otago's Janet Stephenson and Etienne Nel argue our political parties need a plan for a ‘post-growth’ world
8th Aug 20, 9:11am
by Guest
In's Election Series, the University of Otago's Janet Stephenson and Etienne Nel argue our political parties need a plan for a ‘post-growth’ world
Law professor and economist flag concerns over Cabinet excusing government departments from providing Regulatory Impact Assessments on COVID-19 policies until August 31
5th May 20, 4:53pm
Law professor and economist flag concerns over Cabinet excusing government departments from providing Regulatory Impact Assessments on COVID-19 policies until August 31
The University of Otago's Janet Stephenson argues the current 'economic pause' is the perfect opportunity to redirect our economy to a more sustainable path
26th Apr 20, 6:31am
The University of Otago's Janet Stephenson argues the current 'economic pause' is the perfect opportunity to redirect our economy to a more sustainable path
A flurry of questions attend the Serious Fraud Office’s announcement it is charging four people in relation to donations, and the answers could have huge implications in election year, writes Andrew Geddis
1st Feb 20, 10:03am
by Guest
A flurry of questions attend the Serious Fraud Office’s announcement it is charging four people in relation to donations, and the answers could have huge implications in election year, writes Andrew Geddis
Landlords face a $4000 fine if their properties are uninsulated on July 1 – but insulation companies say time’s run out and if they haven’t done it by now, bad luck. The Spinoff's Don Rowe reports
14th Jun 19, 10:35am
by Guest
Landlords face a $4000 fine if their properties are uninsulated on July 1 – but insulation companies say time’s run out and if they haven’t done it by now, bad luck. The Spinoff's Don Rowe reports
Andrew Coleman probes whether New Zealand’s productivity performance has been adversely affected by the way capital income is taxed
18th Jan 19, 12:59pm
Andrew Coleman probes whether New Zealand’s productivity performance has been adversely affected by the way capital income is taxed