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Gas companies appear unlikely to rush in to open ocean exploration despite the Government's decision to lift a ban imposed by its predecessor
13th Jun 24, 10:14am
Gas companies appear unlikely to rush in to open ocean exploration despite the Government's decision to lift a ban imposed by its predecessor
Energy analyst John Kidd on the extent to which OMV's ambitious plans to drill in the Great South Basin will comfort NZ gas users in the face of rapidly depleting reserves
11th Apr 19, 7:20am
Energy analyst John Kidd on the extent to which OMV's ambitious plans to drill in the Great South Basin will comfort NZ gas users in the face of rapidly depleting reserves
Warning bells rung loud and clear over oil/gas exploration ban adding pressure to an already stressed energy sector. Govt gives OMV more time to drill in Great South Basin
17th Oct 18, 6:42am
Warning bells rung loud and clear over oil/gas exploration ban adding pressure to an already stressed energy sector. Govt gives OMV more time to drill in Great South Basin
Commerce Commission recognises declining gas reserves as it gives OMV clearance to become NZ's largest gas producer and supplier
10th Aug 18, 10:00am
Commerce Commission recognises declining gas reserves as it gives OMV clearance to become NZ's largest gas producer and supplier
OMV tells the Commerce Commission depleting gas reserves at the fields it's proposing to buy from Shell will constrain the growth of its market share
21st Jun 18, 3:42pm
OMV tells the Commerce Commission depleting gas reserves at the fields it's proposing to buy from Shell will constrain the growth of its market share
Oil and gas giant Shell sells its NZ interests to Austrian company, OMV, for US$578 million
16th Mar 18, 10:34am
Oil and gas giant Shell sells its NZ interests to Austrian company, OMV, for US$578 million
With the oil and gas sector at a low ebb will the Government attract much interest in exploration permits & who will buy Shell's local assets?
22nd Mar 16, 5:16pm
With the oil and gas sector at a low ebb will the Government attract much interest in exploration permits & who will buy Shell's local assets?
Oil price slump sees interest in 2015 Block Offer wane; companies awarded the nine exploration permits only commit to spending $4.4 million; Offer fails to attract new explorers to new areas
16th Dec 15, 1:47pm
Oil price slump sees interest in 2015 Block Offer wane; companies awarded the nine exploration permits only commit to spending $4.4 million; Offer fails to attract new explorers to new areas
Outgoing environment watchdog boss talks about walking the tightrope between keeping NZ clean and green and enabling cash to flow into our coffers
17th Apr 15, 2:26pm
Outgoing environment watchdog boss talks about walking the tightrope between keeping NZ clean and green and enabling cash to flow into our coffers
'Ifs' and 'buts' around the oil and gas industry's ability to bring mega bucks to NZ
30th Mar 15, 5:34pm
'Ifs' and 'buts' around the oil and gas industry's ability to bring mega bucks to NZ
Oil prices expected to remain relatively low over next two years - exploration in NZ slowing right down
27th Feb 15, 4:22pm
Oil prices expected to remain relatively low over next two years - exploration in NZ slowing right down
BusinessDesk: NZ needs a real debate on oil and mining, say engineers
9th Dec 11, 6:36pm
BusinessDesk: NZ needs a real debate on oil and mining, say engineers