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Treasury reduces Kiwi Bond interest rates, the benchmark for risk-free saving for retail savers, their second cut in 2025
27th Feb 25, 2:00pm
Treasury reduces Kiwi Bond interest rates, the benchmark for risk-free saving for retail savers, their second cut in 2025
Treasury reduces Kiwi Bond interest rates, the benchmark for risk-free saving for retail savers, their first cut in 2025
23rd Jan 25, 3:42pm
Treasury reduces Kiwi Bond interest rates, the benchmark for risk-free saving for retail savers, their first cut in 2025
NZDM says total book size for $5 billion government bond issue exceeded $23.9 billion
22nd Oct 24, 3:02pm
NZDM says total book size for $5 billion government bond issue exceeded $23.9 billion
Treasury reduces Kiwi Bond interest rates, the benchmark for risk-free saving for retail savers, their third cut in 2024
17th Oct 24, 10:19am
Treasury reduces Kiwi Bond interest rates, the benchmark for risk-free saving for retail savers, their third cut in 2024
In a new episode of our Of Interest podcast, Westpac's Imre Speizer explains the importance of swap rates & why interest rates are heading lower
27th Aug 24, 5:00pm
In a new episode of our Of Interest podcast, Westpac's Imre Speizer explains the importance of swap rates & why interest rates are heading lower
Government debt manager to issue $4 billion 30-year bond after attracting massive interest
21st Feb 24, 2:44pm
Government debt manager to issue $4 billion 30-year bond after attracting massive interest
Credit rating agency's budget comments highlight ongoing concerns about NZ's current account deficit; Govt bond issuance revised up $20b over 4 years
18th May 23, 4:23pm
Credit rating agency's budget comments highlight ongoing concerns about NZ's current account deficit; Govt bond issuance revised up $20b over 4 years
Martin Whetton on how overseas investors view New Zealand government debt
29th Apr 23, 3:35pm
Martin Whetton on how overseas investors view New Zealand government debt
The Government's debt management unit isn't seeing increased interest in its inflation-indexed bonds despite high inflation
19th Apr 23, 7:45am
The Government's debt management unit isn't seeing increased interest in its inflation-indexed bonds despite high inflation
Could, or should, the RBNZ cut the interest rate it pays on banks' settlement cash accounts in order to reduce the Government's interest bill?
15th Apr 23, 9:20am
Could, or should, the RBNZ cut the interest rate it pays on banks' settlement cash accounts in order to reduce the Government's interest bill?
Reserve Bank outlines sale process for the bonds it bought as part of the quantitative easing programme at the start of the pandemic
9th Jun 22, 9:50am
Reserve Bank outlines sale process for the bonds it bought as part of the quantitative easing programme at the start of the pandemic
Treasury's debt office can issue government bonds in excess of new government debt ceiling
4th May 22, 7:50am
Treasury's debt office can issue government bonds in excess of new government debt ceiling
Treasury will likely need to borrow more to help the Reserve Bank reduce the size of its bond holdings. This could put upward pressure on interest rates
23rd Feb 22, 8:16pm
Treasury will likely need to borrow more to help the Reserve Bank reduce the size of its bond holdings. This could put upward pressure on interest rates
Gareth Vaughan on the danger from African Covid variants, Deutsche Bank's 'pot, kettle black' moment, Elizabeth Warren v Wells Fargo, household debt on the march & the buyers of long-term NZ government debt
17th Sep 21, 10:08am
Gareth Vaughan on the danger from African Covid variants, Deutsche Bank's 'pot, kettle black' moment, Elizabeth Warren v Wells Fargo, household debt on the march & the buyers of long-term NZ government debt
Government to borrow $3 billion in 30-year bond issue after receiving more than $12 billion worth of investor interest
14th Sep 21, 1:57pm
Government to borrow $3 billion in 30-year bond issue after receiving more than $12 billion worth of investor interest
Government to borrow up to $3 billion in 30-year bond issue, which will be its longest-term debt on issue
13th Sep 21, 11:02am
Government to borrow up to $3 billion in 30-year bond issue, which will be its longest-term debt on issue
Treasury unit issues $4 billion New Zealand government bond after receiving more than $18 billion worth of interest from investors
28th Oct 20, 3:08pm
Treasury unit issues $4 billion New Zealand government bond after receiving more than $18 billion worth of interest from investors
Treasury expects to issue $25 bln of Government Bonds in June year; says it will collaborate with the RBNZ to ensure the market functions efficiently & yields remain low
1st Apr 20, 9:06am
Treasury expects to issue $25 bln of Government Bonds in June year; says it will collaborate with the RBNZ to ensure the market functions efficiently & yields remain low