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Live-streamed video from the November 2021 RBNZ Financial Stability Report press conference with Governor Adrian Orr

Banking / news
Live-streamed video from the November 2021 RBNZ Financial Stability Report press conference with Governor Adrian Orr
Financial Stability news conference

This news conference will start at about 11 am.

Our report on what this November 2021 Financial Stability Report means is here and will be updated as necessary following this news conference.

The RBNZ media release is here.

Today's full Financial Stability Report is here.

When the live news conference is finished we will place a video recording of it on this page as soon as it becomes available.

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I posted earlier in the week that the OCR should be 6.5% based on historical data.

Given the Unemployment stat today, maybe that's coming sooner than we thought!


It could easily be 6% by Christmas, probably February 2022 at the latest. Its now beginning to go beyond the control of the RBNZ. Bascand pulled the plug not a month to soon.


I could see Bascand couldn't wait to get out of there. I think Orr's remark and how Orr answered questions in this press conference made him a bit uneasy.


Yes he seemed very uneasy being there and didn't look like he believed what he was pedaling.


Why are we still at this low OCR. Orr was quick to bring it down too .25. Why is he slow in raising it?

And inflation is rampant in the market right now.

Petrol, bread, veges, fruit prices are going crazy. Apples at $6 per kg.. WTF. We grow so many apples in this country that we all can eat 10 a day for free and still export millions and make a profit. Just how crazy is this? 


Why is he slow in raising it?

I think we all know why.


Bet he is wishing he didn't take the job now! He will be remembered for all the wrong reasons.


Unbelievable, unemployment data is volatile? It has been consistence for this whole year. So does inflation data. How do you measure whether it's volatile or not? If you say our economy is resilient, then you should expect this low unemployment data and keep rising appropriate interest rate to keep your inflation rate within 2% mandate in check. There are so many contradictions in this press conference.


Just caught then end of it with a bit of the good old back slapping just as it all begins to hit the fan.


Could any economically literate soul tell me what the CFR is and how it is expected to feed into banking practices for us consumers? Much appreciated.


Core funding ratio.  It's a measure of banks' liquidity risk.  

Definition from a previous article here:

A minimum proportion of banks’ funding that has to come from “sticky” sources: retail deposits or long-term wholesale funding, where long-term is defined as a maturity at least a year out.



I appreciate that thank you. Does that mean they will need more term deposits and hence offer higher returns to joe public?
