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Gee, who could have guessed?
Why does the bank regulator turn a blind eye to such extraordinary returns in a deflationary environment?
by Audaxes | 6th Mar 20, 7:03pm
Westpac also cut all its TD rates from 6 months to five years, all by -10 bps. These are now market lows for any bank.
There should laws to prohibit the banks gouging depositors, whose capital mainly underwrites the NZ banking system at their own risk.by MisterB | 6th Mar 20, 8:21pm
Not sure it's gouging mate... NZ has some of the HIGHEST TD rates in the world, thanks to lack of saving and love affair with debt.
EG ANZ AU 8 month special is 1.60%.by Audaxes | 6th Mar 20, 8:40pm
Documents released by the Reserve Bank under the Official Information Act show ANZ New Zealand, ASB, BNZ and Westpac NZ with an average annual RoE of 18.4%. That tops the 16.7% of their Australian parents, and is below just Canada's big four banks with an average of 20.3%. In contrast the average RoE across five NZ owned banks - Kiwibank, Heartland Bank, SBS Bank, The Co-operative Bank and TSB - comes it at just 8.8%.According to the Reserve Bank, the new capital requirements mean banks will need to contribute $12 of their shareholders' money for every $100 of lending up from $8 now, with depositors and creditors providing the rest.
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