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Te Pāti Māori's leaders say Budget 2024 has little for their people, backing this up with a declaration of independence
31st May 24, 7:52am
Te Pāti Māori's leaders say Budget 2024 has little for their people, backing this up with a declaration of independence
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon told his National caucus to avoid ‘ideological debates’ and support one another's mental health at a caucus retreat this week
20th Jan 24, 9:20am
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon told his National caucus to avoid ‘ideological debates’ and support one another's mental health at a caucus retreat this week
If those elected to the Māori Seats refuse to take them, then what possible reason could the country have for retaining them? – asks Chris Trotter
4th Dec 23, 9:33am
If those elected to the Māori Seats refuse to take them, then what possible reason could the country have for retaining them? – asks Chris Trotter
Economist Brian Easton says the coalition party agreements are mainly about returning to 2017 when National lost power. They show commonalities but also some serious divergencies
4th Dec 23, 8:22am
Economist Brian Easton says the coalition party agreements are mainly about returning to 2017 when National lost power. They show commonalities but also some serious divergencies
Economist Brian Easton assesses Winston Peters' past performance as a cabinet minister and finds that Peters has been 'a reasonable but not outstanding minister' showing very good political skills - but mediocre policy ones
27th Nov 23, 9:14am
Economist Brian Easton assesses Winston Peters' past performance as a cabinet minister and finds that Peters has been 'a reasonable but not outstanding minister' showing very good political skills - but mediocre policy ones
The picture the commentariat presents of Winston Peters is a misleading caricature. If we don’t try to understand the complexity of the man, we cannot understand what is going on in New Zealand politics, writes economist Brian Easton
20th Nov 23, 8:12am
The picture the commentariat presents of Winston Peters is a misleading caricature. If we don’t try to understand the complexity of the man, we cannot understand what is going on in New Zealand politics, writes economist Brian Easton
Final vote count reveals National and Act won’t be able to govern without New Zealand First
3rd Nov 23, 2:00pm
Final vote count reveals National and Act won’t be able to govern without New Zealand First
Both major political parties have made clear they would like to have a neutral body assessing the cost of party promises
4th Oct 23, 7:53am
Both major political parties have made clear they would like to have a neutral body assessing the cost of party promises
Questions raised and thoughts aired about legislation rushed through parliament under urgency limiting scrutiny of it
21st Sep 23, 10:29am
Questions raised and thoughts aired about legislation rushed through parliament under urgency limiting scrutiny of it
Government passes a law removing any obligation to promote the mining industry as it focuses on reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050
24th Aug 23, 4:53pm
Government passes a law removing any obligation to promote the mining industry as it focuses on reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050
National Party will bring in new talent this election with five fresh candidates in winnable list spots
19th Aug 23, 5:36pm
National Party will bring in new talent this election with five fresh candidates in winnable list spots
Parliament passes law to reform New Zealand's water supply system, Nats & Act vow to repeal it
16th Aug 23, 3:27pm
Parliament passes law to reform New Zealand's water supply system, Nats & Act vow to repeal it
The National Party says it will repeal a reform of the Resource Management Act which is going through parliament
27th Jun 23, 2:31pm
The National Party says it will repeal a reform of the Resource Management Act which is going through parliament
Economist Brian Easton asks: Why doesn’t our government reflect New Zealanders; why doesn’t Parliament make them?
19th Jun 23, 9:05am
Economist Brian Easton asks: Why doesn’t our government reflect New Zealanders; why doesn’t Parliament make them?
Former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gives her valedictory speech to Parliament
5th Apr 23, 5:20pm
Former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gives her valedictory speech to Parliament
To understand Winston Peters and the New Zealand First Foundation is to understand how things really work
16th Aug 22, 9:56am
To understand Winston Peters and the New Zealand First Foundation is to understand how things really work
David Hargreaves doesn't see anything to be too fearful of in the moves by Finance Minister Grant Robertson to get more hands-on with the Reserve Bank's lending restrictions
29th Apr 21, 8:08am
David Hargreaves doesn't see anything to be too fearful of in the moves by Finance Minister Grant Robertson to get more hands-on with the Reserve Bank's lending restrictions
Peter Dunne says over the last two elections the genuine traditional liberal voice, so long a feature of New Zealand politics, has all but disappeared
29th Oct 20, 9:13am
Peter Dunne says over the last two elections the genuine traditional liberal voice, so long a feature of New Zealand politics, has all but disappeared
Peter Dunne says what Judith Collins describes as money 'put aside for a rainy day' is far more than that
30th Jul 20, 9:07am
Peter Dunne says what Judith Collins describes as money 'put aside for a rainy day' is far more than that
Peter Dunne says the 52nd term of Parliament has been dramatic but in recent weeks the focus has been more on what many would describe as farce
23rd Jul 20, 9:19am
Peter Dunne says the 52nd term of Parliament has been dramatic but in recent weeks the focus has been more on what many would describe as farce
Peter Dunne says the Government and health authorities know that the public acquiescence achieved during lockdown was a moment in time unlikely to be achievable to the same extent again if future circumstances warrant it
4th Jun 20, 9:08am
Peter Dunne says the Government and health authorities know that the public acquiescence achieved during lockdown was a moment in time unlikely to be achievable to the same extent again if future circumstances warrant it
Peter Dunne says the Government will be worried that soon public concern about the social and economic impact of Covid19 - already sharply on the rise - will overtake support for the approach the Government has taken so far
28th May 20, 8:33am
Peter Dunne says the Government will be worried that soon public concern about the social and economic impact of Covid19 - already sharply on the rise - will overtake support for the approach the Government has taken so far
Peter Dunne says regardless of the winner, the public will be asking whether a party as divided as it is can present itself as a credible, united team with a coherent and focused plan when the election comes round in just 17 weeks
21st May 20, 9:45am
Peter Dunne says regardless of the winner, the public will be asking whether a party as divided as it is can present itself as a credible, united team with a coherent and focused plan when the election comes round in just 17 weeks
Peter Dunne says next week’s events will set off a further process of major adjustment for the government, just as it will for every other New Zealander
23rd Apr 20, 9:06am
Peter Dunne says next week’s events will set off a further process of major adjustment for the government, just as it will for every other New Zealander
Peter Dunne says making the case for an early resumption of Parliament after the lockdown ends should be a no-brainer for the National Party
16th Apr 20, 9:00am
Peter Dunne says making the case for an early resumption of Parliament after the lockdown ends should be a no-brainer for the National Party