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New Marac CEO a former ANZ National senior executive

New Marac CEO a former ANZ National senior executive

Marac Finance CEO Brian Jolliffe will be replaced by former ANZ National senior executive Jeff Greenslade at the end of April. Jolliffe had announced his retirement from Marac in October last year, after spending nine years there as CEO. Greenslade was formerly ANZ National's Managing Director of Corporate and Commercial Banking before moving to running his own business, Provisional Tax Finance, for the past two years. He will be leading Marac's push to become a registered bank in New Zealand. "We conducted an international recruitment search and are very pleased to be appointing Jeff, with his unique experience in the New Zealand banking environment and his broader commercial background. Jeff will also be leading the team to complete the banking license process and, assuming success, will be the new Chief Executive of the bank," Marac chairman Sam Maling said. Greenslade holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Otago.

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