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Live-streamed video from the February 2022 RBNZ Monetary Policy Review press conference with Governor Adrian Orr

Banking / news
Live-streamed video from the February 2022 RBNZ Monetary Policy Review press conference with Governor Adrian Orr

This news conference will start at about 3pm.

Our report on what this February 2022 Monetary Policy Statement means is here and will be updated as necessary following this news conference.

The RBNZ media release is here.

Today's full Monetary Policy Report is here.

When the live news conference is finished we will place a video recording of it on this page as soon as it becomes available.


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NZ GOVT. + RBNZ fuelled high inflation in housing and stated to poor FHB kiwis and high DEBT loads to income kiwi families.. that Interest rates would stay low for an extended period ...1yr later 100% increase in 1yr Fixed rates with much more to come >>> madness


After today we have -4.9% rates accounting for that not low enough?


4.9% if you fixed long term at present !!! how many fixed year ago or so and won't come of fixed till say late 2023 when rates are 6%+

800k+ Morg's .....what many don't understand is chain re-action ... Banks can refuse to refinance loans... if say your in tourism retail jobs etc

Massive increase in living costs ..forced sales ,NZ credit downgrade ...higher rates


This is a big plot by the rich and powerful and the highness sitting in chateau and manors to create slaves who will keep working for them forever.

The high levels of debt get people to just keep their head down and work hard to keep alive and get above water.

Anyone who speaks aganist this mandate is put him big concrete walls. So yeah sheeple do as told. 
