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Property / News
Property / News
7th Sep 24, 6:47am
Auction room activity still crawling along at winter levels - no sign of a spring bounce yet
Public Policy / Opinion
Public Policy / Opinion
6th Sep 24, 8:30am
Andrew Coleman puts a spotlight on housing taxation in New Zealand, looking at problems and offering solutions
Property / News
Property / News
6th Sep 24, 10:31am
Rents moved very slightly in favour of tenants in most New Zealand regions during July
Personal Finance / Opinion
Personal Finance / Opinion
6th Sep 24, 9:18am
Lynda Moore has a few tips to help you recognise the money personality of your child, and clues on how to guide them in their attitudes to money

What people are reading

Personal Finance / Analysis
2nd Sep 24, 11:56am
Households plunged an extra $2 billion into term deposits in July as they sought to take advantage of high interest rates ahead of anticipated reductions in the rates
Personal Finance / News
3rd Sep 24, 6:24pm
New Zealanders are falling short on retirement savings – is it time to boost KiwiSaver contributions?
Property / News
2nd Sep 24, 9:23am
Low rental yields and negative cash flows a feature of three bedroom houses as rental properties - multi-unit properties the way to go for investors
Personal Finance / News
4th Sep 24, 3:40pm
Latest Reserve Bank figures show approximately one in five new mortgages collected in July were fixed for just six months as the punters bet on imminent rate cuts - that are subsequently following
Personal Finance / Opinion
4th Sep 24, 9:00am
Many home loan borrowers are choosing a 'pay-more-now-to-pay-less-later' strategy. David Chaston checks the numbers to see if they justify it, and show the risks involved
Property / News
5th Sep 24, 12:01am
National median house values declined for the sixth month in a row in August, according to CoreLogic
Technology / News
1st Sep 24, 6:56pm
Our soldiers are getting a battlefield simulator upgrade, customised for New Zealand conditions

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